Testni dostop do portala
je podaljšan do 7.
novembra 2017 in je na
voljo z vseh lokacij
Univerze v Ljubljani,
Omogoča dostop do vsebin in dokumentov, ki jih gradi in objavlja mednarodna
organizacija za standardizacijo ASTM (American Society for Testing and
Materials): preko 12.000 tehničnih standardov, raziskovalnih in tehničnih
poročil, različnih priročnikov in monografij, zbirk podatkov, konferenčnih
zbornikov, biltenov, strokovnih revij in slovarjev za področja materialov,
izdelkov, sistemov in storitev.
Vabljeni k uporabi!
1 komentarjev:
Provides access to content and documents created and published by the international standardization organization ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials): over 12,000 technical standards, research and technical reports, various manuals and monographs, databases, conference proceedings, bulletins, professional magazines and dictionaries for the fields of materials, products, systems and services.This is a very interesting and timely post. I sincerely appreciate the time you took to write this. To produce your art, you must have done a lot of research and extraction. The educational examples and data are incredibly beneficial. Continue your excellent work! I look forward to seeing more intriguing factoids from your perspective in the future. Thank you so much for your help!
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