četrtek, 19. oktober 2017

DiKUL - povezava "Celotno besedilo dostopno za uporabnike UL" in dostop do e-knjig EBSCO ne deluje!

Zaradi sistemske napake pri ponudniku v prikazanih zapisih rezultatov iskanja v DiKUL povezava "Celotno besedilo dostopno za uporabnike UL"  in povezava do e-knjig ponudnika EBSCO "Celotno besedilo PDF" NE DELUJETA - izpiše se sporočilo: An unexpected error has occurred. Please try your search again.
Ostale povezave v izpisih pa delujejo normalno (kolikor smo lahko preverili).
Napako pri ponudniku odpravljajo, prosimo za potrpljenje in razumevanje!

7 komentarjev:

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yingashley pravi ...

DiKUL - link "Full text accessible for UL users" and access to EBSCO e-books does not work! Due to a system error with the provider, the link "Full text accessible for UL users" and the link to e-books from the EBSCO provider "Full text PDF" in the displayed records of search results in DiKUL DO NOT WORK - the message: An unexpected error has occurred. Please try your search again. Other links in the printouts work normally (as far as we could check).

The provider is fixing the error, please be patient and understanding! For further assistance, consider seeking essay help at MyAssignmentHelp.

Useful Resources:

Feynman Richard pravi ...

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Gold Smith pravi ...

In today’s competitive academic environment, students often face challenges in completing their assessments on time while maintaining quality and accuracy. Tight deadlines, complex topics, and a lack of proper guidance can make it difficult for learners to achieve high grades. This is where professional assistance plays a crucial role in easing academic pressure and ensuring better performance. With expert assistance assessment help services, students can receive well-structured, plagiarism-free, and thoroughly researched solutions tailored to their specific requirements. These services provide support across various subjects, helping students grasp complex concepts and improve their academic writing skills. By utilizing such services, learners can enhance their knowledge while ensuring timely submission of their assignments