Obvestilo iz NUK: do 25. junija 2017 je omogočen testni dostop do zbirke ZEDHIA (Zentraleuropäisches digitales wirtschafts- und gesellschaftshistorisches interaktives Archiv), spletne interaktivne zbirke podatkov, namenjene celovitim zgodovinskim raziskavam. Vsebuje digitalizirana besedila in poglobljene informacijske vire za preučevanje zgodovine podjetništva in ekonomije v Srednji Evropi ter preučevanja rodoslovja v Srednji Evropi. Jedro vira predstavljajo različne publikacije založnika Compass Verlag, na prvem mestu seveda različne izdaje revije Compass. ZEDHIA register za zgodovino podjetništva in ekonomije Avstrije med leti 1868 in 2003 vsebuje 745 zvezkov in več kot 1 milijon strani besedil. Vir omogoča iskanje po celotnem besedilu vseh publikacij, uporabo fasetnega filtriranja rezultatov in prednosti hiperpovezav v knjigah, podpira tudi večjezične predstavitve menija in inovativni uporabniški vmesnik.
Vir je na voljo z lokacij Univerze v Ljubljani, CTK, NUK in SAZU; prek oddaljenega dostopa pa za študente in osebje Univerze v Ljubljani in CTK ter vse člane NUK.
3 komentarjev:
As of right now, the link that says "Full text available to UL users" is broken. For those who depend on the resources of the University Library, this presents a serious difficulty. Research and academic endeavors require access to full-text materials, and a broken link impedes the smooth flow of information retrieval. It is imperative that this problem be resolved as soon as possible to guarantee continuous access to priceless scholarly resources. Users rely on these links to function properly in order to conduct productive and successful research projects. For this reason, I implore the relevant parties to take prompt action in order to preserve the integrity of the library's services.
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An insightful collection of historical resources on the business and societal history of Central Europe may be found at ZEDHIA (Central European Economic and Societal History Digital Interactive Archive). It is useful for both historians and scholars because of its user-friendly design, which makes it simple to retrieve uncommon documents and data. a distinctive and extensive digital repository.The general law in the USA is a complex and evolving system rooted in both federal and state jurisdictions. It encompasses a wide range of legal principles, including constitutional, statutory, and case law. The system aims to balance individual rights with public order and safety. While it provides a framework for justice and legal processes, its complexity and variation across states can pose challenges. The ongoing development of laws reflects societal changes and strives to address contemporary issues, maintaining a dynamic legal landscape.
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