torek, 16. junij 2015


V poslovni stavbi TR3 je nameščen defibrilator. Nahaja se pri receptorju pri glavnem vhodu v stolpnico TR3. V primeru potrebe po uporabi se nemudoma zglasite pri informatorju ali izposojevalcih na pultu izposoje, ki bodo ustrezno ukrepali.

V Sloveniji je na leto 3000 smrtnih primerov zaradi srčnega zastoja, vsaka minuta, pridobljena z uporabo defibrilatorja poveča možnost preživetja za 10%.

1 komentarjev:

lucask110198 pravi ...

One essential piece of medical equipment is the defibrillator, which is meant to shock victims of cardiac emergencies back to normal. Both medical professionals and non-trained folks can utilize it due to its small size and intuitive interface. a dependable instrument in dire circumstances that guarantees quick action and might even save lives.General law encompasses rules and regulations established by governments to maintain order, protect rights, and ensure justice. It includes civil, criminal, and administrative law, governing areas like contracts, property, and personal conduct. Law serves to resolve disputes, penalize unlawful actions, and provide a framework for societal functioning, ensuring fairness and security within the community.
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